Sunday, April 12, 2009

Latest and greatest...faux wood eyes hurt...i've been photoshoppin' for the first time today!!!I am trying to put some quality into the pics. They look a bit better...i think! So... i'll show you what i have been up to in the last 2 days!Again some faux stuff ...ivory or wood call it as you like:) The faux stuff ended up as ..earrings and a pendant !!!
Here are the earrings(watch out the photoshop magic on the sides):D:

And here is the pendant:

As a last thing ..another pair of earings should have been here also ..but i decided they were too .."not wearable" so i put them in place;) Also please be kind and don't judge too roughly my extreme" textures:))))

Friday, April 10, 2009

First post, first faux turquoise attempt!!

Uuuuuuu this is my first post ever as a blogger!!Today i have made my first faux turquoise and i am pretty happy about it!!Ok, ok i am REALLY happy about it!:) Here it is from its development stages untill it reached maturity!!:))I have a lot of stuff that i have made but...i need time to take pictures of them all and also time to create a proper setup for taking pics. These pics look a bit crappy but they are my fist and i am too excited to post them here so this time no editing just raw pics!

And now..the results..tadaaammm:))
(the pics are horible but..i will work on that asap)